The all New RazerLink ™ from Superior Industries is suitable for truck unloading, material transfer, stockpiling and vessel loading. All with a single machine.
Offering the same drive over capability as it’s older cousin the “RazerTail”, PLUS a rear tip or FEL (Wheel Loader) feed option, this unique Razerlink ™ machine can perform various functions due to the additional luffing and telescopic boom capabilities.
Click here to see video of the machine set up and operation.
Click here to see video of the machine used with ship loading.
Suitable for handling a range of materials such as Iron Ore lump / fines, Various Crushed Minerals, Coal, Coke, Grain, Sand, Woodchips, Bauxite etc, the Razerlink is the ultimate in flexible feeding, loading and truck unloader operations.
Please contact us now or call 08 9550 6388 or 0447 888028 at any time.