McCloskey Trommel
McCloskey International offer one of the most complete range of portable and static Trommel Screens available with many options to suit different applications.
The largest Mobile McCloskey Trommel Screen Available – The McCloskey 733 Trommel offers unrivalled capacity.
Track Mounted Trommels are also available in McCloskey Trommel Range.
A full range of Compact Trommels are available from McCloskey for more mobility and smaller contractors.
All the McCloskey Trommel Screens are suitable for sand, soil, gravel, compost, mulch and recycling applications.
The Trommel screen will outperform a deck screen in certain applications where the material is sticky and prone to clogging screen decks or where a tumbling action releases materials from contaminated products, for example in a recycling application with a lot of plastic and paper.
Please contact us or call 08 9550 6388 with further details of your exact requirement.
Among the unique features for the McCloskey trommel screens are the patented radial conveyor, fast and easy Drum-XChange system and their ease-of-use.